Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and fascia, and can be used for a variety of conditions and pains. It can be more intense than other types of massage therapy, and sometimes can cause some discomfort.Deep Tissue Massage

However, discomfort shouldn’t be severe. Contact Flow State Massage for professional help.

Whether you’re a marathon runner with aching legs, or a desk-bound professional with the dreaded tech neck, deep tissue massage is an essential therapy to prevent, alleviate and heal common pains and injuries. This therapeutic journey into the deep layers of your muscles navigates through stubborn knots and tension to offer significant relief. Unlike superficial rubdowns, this treatment goes beyond the skin to break up and release muscle adhesions, known as “knots.” Often, a knot is a result of a muscle being overworked or tightened for too long. This therapy breaks up those knots and improves circulation, which in turn promotes healing.

A deep tissue massage stimulates the body’s natural production of feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin. This boosts the positive effects of the treatment well after your session is over. For example, increased serotonin levels have been linked to improved sleep patterns as well as a reduced stress response.

The increased circulation that results from a deep tissue massage also helps to reduce inflammation, which is a major factor in the development of chronic pain. It also aids the healing of strained or torn muscles, helping them to return to their normal function faster.

For athletes, regular massages can also improve performance by increasing range of motion in the muscles and tendons. This can help reduce the risk of injury and also help athletes to train harder and for longer.

Massage is a great alternative to painkillers and opioids, which can have serious side effects. It is a natural way to relieve pain that works for both acute and chronic conditions such as back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, arthritis and many more.

If you’re a first-timer to the world of deep tissue massage, it’s important to communicate with your therapist about the pressure that is comfortable for you. While it may feel a bit uncomfortable at times, this is the good kind of discomfort, which you should welcome. It’s also helpful to drink plenty of water after your massage, as it can be dehydrating. Some people may experience a headache or feeling nauseous following their massage, and this has to do with the detoxing process that occurs when toxins are released from the muscles.

Increased flexibility

When you have tight muscles, they can limit your movement, leading to stiffness and a limited range of motion. Deep Tissue Massage stretches these muscles, loosening them up and increasing your flexibility. As a result, you can move more freely during workouts and reduce your risk of injury. This will lead to better overall performance and greater muscle recovery.

A good deep tissue session starts off with your massage therapist warming up the area using light pressure and will then move into specific areas that need attention. Montia notes that if you feel uncomfortable during the treatment, you should let your massage therapist know, as they are always in control of the pressure and intensity. Ultimately, you should only experience the “good hurt” kind of discomfort when a massage is effective, and not pain that isn’t beneficial.

In addition, deep tissue techniques improve flexibility by physically separating muscle fibers through friction and breaking down scar tissue. This increases mobility and can help you return to your regular workout routine sooner. It can also lead to better posture, improved balance and body coordination as the massage releases tension, improves circulation, breaks down scar tissue, and reduces inflammation.

Lastly, you’ll likely have more energy after a deep tissue massage due to the decreased tension and increased blood flow. You might even have a boost in your endorphins, which will make you feel happy and energetic throughout the day.

If you have chronic back or neck pain, a deep tissue massage can help relieve it. If you’re an athlete, adding a few deep tissue massage sessions to your training can keep your muscles flexible, allowing you to exercise more vigorously without overworking them. Regular massages can also reduce recovery time between workouts, and can help you train harder while reducing the risk of injury.

Reduced pain

Many people who don’t receive massages regularly, if ever, suffer from tight and sore muscles. Regular deep tissue work can help release those kinks and knots, making you a stronger more flexible person.

This is especially helpful for individuals who have chronic pain, as it helps break up scar tissue and adhesions that can cause stiffness and inflammation. The release of those tense areas can also alleviate arthritis pain, giving relief and lessening the discomfort associated with the disease.

A lot of the pain and soreness that results from deep tissue massage comes from stripping and friction, which involves gliding the length of muscle fibers with pressure from a thumb, elbow, forearm, or knuckles. This can sometimes cause a temporary, though minor, soreness that may last a few days after the session. If you’re experiencing pain or soreness that persists beyond the time frame following a massage, talk to your therapist and ask them for lower or less intense pressure.

Another factor that contributes to soreness and aches in the days after a deep tissue massage is the release of toxins from your muscles. Because of this, it’s important to stay hydrated after a massage, as it will make the detox process easier on your body.

If you have a history of blood clots, it’s important to check with your doctor before receiving a deep tissue massage. This is because the pressure of this type of massage might dislodge a blood clot, which could be dangerous for your health. If you’ve had a recent surgery, cancer treatment, or osteoporosis, it’s a good idea to discuss this with your doctor as well before trying this type of massage.

The pain and aches that result from a Deep Tissue Massage can be extremely beneficial to your overall health, but it’s important to communicate with your therapist and let them know how much pain you can tolerate. If you’re uncomfortable, the massage won’t be effective and you’ll be missing out on all the great benefits this type of massage has to offer! A good therapist will understand when their technique isn’t working and they will change their approach accordingly.

Relieved stress

Whether you are an athlete involved in hardcore daily muscle training or just a person who sits hunched over at a desk all day, everyone can benefit from a Deep Tissue Massage. Having a session once or twice a month can help reduce the pain and tightness caused by overuse or injury, while also helping prevent the occurrence of new injuries.

The oxytocin produced during the massage helps you to relax, which in turn will help to relieve stress and anxiety. This is a good thing because chronic stress can cause serious health problems, including high blood pressure and heart disease (2).

If you are concerned about the pain involved with a Deep Tissue Massage, Montia recommends being up front with your massage therapist about your tolerance level. Most therapists will be happy to adjust the pressure of the massage to meet your needs, and if they push you too far, it is important to speak up so that they can end the session with proper medical protocol.

In addition, it is important to drink lots of water after your session. This will help your muscles rehydrate after being worked so hard and it will assist in flushing out the toxins that are being released. It is also not uncommon to feel a little bit sore or fatigued after your session but this should not last very long and should be managed by resting, hydrating and napping when needed.

Many clients find that they sleep better after a Deep Tissue Massage due to the state of relaxation it creates in the body. This along with the serotonin gained and lowered blood pressure leads to a better quality of sleep (3).

In addition, regular Deep Tissue Massage can improve the performance of athletes by loosening tight muscles and increasing flexibility. If you have an upcoming competition or training session coming up, schedule a Deep Tissue Massage to prepare your muscles and enhance your results.